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Let’s Try This!

Since its founding in 1989, Let’s Try This! (LTT!) has entertained audiences as DramaTech Theatre’s student-run resident improv troupe. As our name suggests, we encourage our members to try everything from short-form games to long-form sets to what-in-the-world-was-that?, and we strive to make each other feel confident and supported while doing so. As a learning troupe, we endeavor to teach the basics and give our members the freedom and resources to experiment with form and style. Our number one commitment, though, is to give our members and our audiences a community based around entertainment and fun!

Workshop Times
We have workshops in the Peachtree Room of the Student Center on Mondays from 7PM-9PM and in the DramaTech Blackbox on Saturdays from 11AM-1PM, and afterwards several of us will often head to some local restaurant to eat together and hang out.
Newbie Workshops
Each year we have an eight-week cycle of newbie workshops to teach basics of improv and to help new improvisers integrate and learn how to perform with the troupe. Newbie Workshops are Mondays from 7PM-9PM during the fall and will culminate with the eagerly anticipated Newbie Graduation Show!
For more information, visit our website or or email us at  Also, find us on Facebook and Twitter.