About the show: Othello has just happily married Desdemona, but their joy cannot last long, thanks to Iago. Jealous for having been passed over for promotion in favor of the untested soldier, Michael Cassio, he will stop at nothing until he uses Desdemona to destroy the two men he hates. The show runs October 30-31, November 5-7 & 12-15 at 8pm.
Auditions are August 23 & 24 at 7pm. Actors only need to attend one day of auditions; Callbacks, if necessary, will be late on the 24th & 25th. Actors should come with a SHORT memorized Shakespearean monologue. Be ready to perform it in different ways as directed. If you do not have a prepared Shakespeare monologue, you can use a different monologue that you have memorized. As a last resort, a written Shakespeare monologue can be provided.*
*not recommended, as it will be the hardest for the actor